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Complete WorkSpaces Registration
Once you have received the email to register for Amazon WorkSpaces, click the link provided in the email to complete your registration and create your password.
WorkSpace Client for Chromebooks
We recommend using the Google Chrome Extension for accessing Amazon WorkSpaces on your Chromebook. You can click here to visit the Google web store and download the extension. If you are unable to download the Chromebook extension, please reach out to your online instructor by sending them a Canvas inbox message.
Once the extension is installed on your Chromebook, click the circle icon [1] in the bottom left corner then select Amazon WorkSpaces [2] from the menu.
WorkSpace Client for Non-Chromebook Device (PC, Macbook)
Choose the appropriate WorkSpaces Client to download.
Once installed you will launch the Amazon WorkSpaces client from your desktop or applications menu.
Register and Launch the WorkSpaces Client
Enter the registration code received in your Amazon WorkSpaces email then click the Register button. Enter SLiad+P56KKP for the registration code if prompted.
Choose the appropriate WorkSpaces Client to download. We recommend using the Web Access client which will use your current internet browser session to launch WorkSpaces. Begin by clicking the Launch button under Web Access.
Note: If you are getting a black screen when using the Web Access client, try downloading and using the Chrome Extension instead.
If you have any problems signing in to Amazon WorkSpaces, please contact the Launch office at 417-523-0417, or send a message to HELP through Canvas.
The Amazon WorkSpaces Client will take some time to launch and you may need to wait a few minutes for the virtual desktop environment to start up or resume from a previous session.
Navigating the Virtual Environment
To access software, click the Start Menu in the bottom left corner. Please note that our Amazon WorkSpaces activity is monitored so please adhere to district policies when using these devices.
Web Content Filtering
Launch uses a web content filter called Securely. The first time you access the internet on your Amazon WorkSpace you may be prompted to log in through Securely. Click the Login with Google button.
Log in by entering your and password then clicking the Next button.
Submitting Assignments from your Amazon WorkSpace
Launch Google Chrome from inside your Amazon WorkSpace environment then navigate to Canvas ( You can submit any coursework files directly to Canvas from inside your Amazon WorkSpace.
If you have any issues navigating WorkSpaces or have any questions, please contact us at support@fueledbylaunch or call us at 417-523-0417.