MindTap Student Guide
MindTap from Cengage Learning is utilized in this course. Use these directions to learn how to access MindTap readings from your Canvas course.
Go to an assignment (on Canvas) that requires the use of MindTap.
Take note of the assigned reading (Chapter 2 in this example).
The book resource for this course is located in the Modules page inside Canvas.
At the top of the Modules page, there will be a module with the name of your book
- Personal Finance - Ryan Personal Financial Literacy K12 3e Mindtap
- Online Astronomy - Seeds Horizons Exploring the Universe
- Computer Applications - Cengage Learning The Shelly Cashman Series Collection 1e
Inside that module, click the Cengage MindTap link.
Click Load Cengage MindTap in a new window from the next screen.
NOTE - You can also access the book resource from your course Home Page.
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You should now be at the landing page for the textbook inside Cengage MindTap.
Using the right-hand navigation, select the Full Book link.
Your book will appear. If you've used this resource before, the book should open to your last used page.
- Page-by-Page
Using the Next Page button, you can go through the book page-by-page.
- Table of Contents View
Using the TOC link (upper left), you can skip to a specific chapter.