This guide will help you with accessing the Discovery Education Social Studies Math Techbook for your online Social Studies Math course.
Step 1: Log In (If Prompted) |
Navigate to Discovery Education by clicking the Discovery Education link in your course navigation.
Your login information for Discovery Education will be slightly different than your Canvas login. You will need to login to Discovery Education with the following credentials:
Username: Launch Student ID# + the letter “a”
(Don’t forget the letter “a” after your ID#)Password: studentpass
(The literal word studentpass, all one word, lower case - not your actual student password.)EX:, studentpass
Click the Authorize button to authorize your account and be taken to Discovery Education.
Step 2: Select Math Techbook |
Select Math Techbook from the navigational menu on the left side.
the waffle navigation icon in the top right-hand corner.
If you do not have the subject or specific techbook that you need, you may need to switch your school. Click on your initials in the top right corner and select Switch School and select Launch.
Step 3: Navigate to Your Desired Math Techbook |
If your school or district has access to more than one Social Studies Math Techbook course, select the specific course from the Switch Course menu.
Algebra I, Algebra IA, Algebra IB: Algebra I
Algebra II & Algebra II Honors: Algebra II
Geometry & Geometry
Honors: Geometry
Math 6th: Math 6th
Math 7th & Accelerated Math 7th: Math 7th
Accelerated Math 7th & Math 8th: Math 8th
*Accelerated Math 7th is designed to use both Math 7th & Math 8th techbooks.
Step 4: Select a Unit and Chapter of Study |
Select Table of Contents to review all of the available units of study and corresponding chapters for the course. Select the desired chapter to continue.