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Please use the instructions below to guide you through accessing the Connect material.


Accessing Connect for the First Time

  1. Log in to Canvas (

  2. Go into your Connect-enabled course.

  3. Select the Connect - XXXX in the sidebar navigation.The XXXX will be your course type (Literature, History, etc…)


  1. NOTE: Your course may also say “McGraw Hill” on the side navigation.

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  2. If this is your first time using Connect for this course, you will be prompted to enter an Access Code.This Access Code is provided by your instructor or HELP through a Canvas assignment.

  3. Locate your Access Code, type it in the box and click Redeem.


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  2. Choose Confirm from the confirmation screen.

  3. Your session will connect, choose Go To Connect.

  4. To access your book content, choose the book from the Read section on the left.Use the following list to see which book is appropriate for your course:

    • AP Literature and Composition: Common Places: Bridge to College English

    • AP Government: American Democracy Now, AP Edition

    • AP (Advanced) Physics: College Physics

    • AP US History: American History: Connecting with the Past

    • AP Psychology: The Science of Psychology, An Appreciative View, AP Edition


    • AP European History: The Modern World: A History of Modern Europe 1650-1950

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  1. You may receive a popup error. If so, Allow the popup by making the choice.


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  2. Your book should now be loaded. Use the below instructions for navigating your course book.


Navigating Your Connect Book
