Grading - McGraw-Hill StudySync
NOTE TO TEACHERS: When you receive access to your Launch Course it will take 24 hours to gain access to the course in StudySync. If a student is added to your class it will take 24 for them to gain access.
Newly-Added Students:
The way StudySync syncs assignments to students is based upon teacher login. If there are late enrollments added to the course (after the class has started - and after the initial StudySync setup), StudySync relies on a teacher logging in to the software. Once the teacher logs into StudySync and goes to their Dashboard, all course assignments (for all of their sections) sync to any new student(s) in the course(s).
Once you have assigned everything in StudySync and students have started completing assignments, you will need to be able to grade StudySync assignments.
Once in your Launch course, navigate to the "ConnectED" Button
Next Click on the top box, StudySync Teacher Edition
Then click on "Launch StudySync" button
This will take you to your StudySync Dashboard.
Click on Assignments
Then click on the orange title link for the assignment to open the assignment report for that assignment.
You will see a list of the students who have received the assignment, as well as an indication of who has completed the assignment.
Click on the orange linked date next to the student's name and you will see all the completed work for that selected student.
This will take you to Student Responses where you can see both the prompt and the student's response.
On the right side of the page, you can complete My Review where you can leave your own written feedback and score based on the rubric.
When giving a rubric score, hover over the score boxes to see a definition of that score.
You also have the option to annotate on the student's essay, just as if you were writing on the student's work with a pen. Click Annotation, then highlight the text you want to annotate and it will give you an option to leave a comment.
If you want to view all the annotations you have written, click View All at the top.
Once you select the score you want to give to the student and written feedback, you can click Save Review.
StudySync will then give you the option to Return to list of students assigned to that assignments. Or you can choose the Next Student Response to go to the next submission that needs grading.
When you return to the student report you will see that it shows a grade in the My Review column for the graded student's assignment.
If you need to update a grade on a student simply click on the linked date to take you back to the students work then make any changes and click save review, updated changes will then show in MyStudent Report.
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