Versions Compared


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  1. ClassView: This link takes you to a view dedicated to that specific class. This is useful for situations where you are teaching multiple sections.

  2. Roster: This link takes you to a roster-specific view for the course specified in the ClassView link above.

  3. ScoreView: This link takes you to the Grade Book for the course specified in the ClassView link above.

  4. eBook: This links takes you to the digital textbook.

  5. Assignment Pane: This area provides features specific to assignments in the course and allows:

    1. Viewing of all assignments in the course.

    2. Viewing of settings specific to an individual assignment.


Password Restrictions

Some course final exams are held inside WebAssign. Those courses include:

  • College Algebra (Sem 2)

As the instructor for this course, you are responsible for setting a password on your final exam inside WebAssign. Walk through the following steps to set a password for your final exam:

Gain Access to Your Course

  • Access Cengage WebAssign from your course.

    • The best way to access this is by clicking the Cengage WebAssign link from the last module of your course.

    • Log in if prompted.

    • Accessing this link will automatically enroll you as an instructor in the course.

  • Log out of Cengage WebAssign.

  • Go directly to in your browser.

    • Log in.

    • If you are automatically logged in, log out then log in again.

Your course will now appear in your list of courses. Locate this specific section.

Schedule Your Final

  • From the assignment list, select All.

    • Above the assignment list, you will have options for Past | Future | All.

    • Choose All.

  • Locate the Proctored Final Assessment from the list, select Schedule.

  • Drag the Proctored Final Assessment from the Assignments list on the left to the last week of the Schedule pane on the right.

    • Set the due date to the final day in that week.

    • Set the available date to the first day of course access.

    • Leave the view until date set to the end date of the course.

    • Select Schedule.

Set Final Password

  • Locate the Proctored Final Assessment from the Schedule list, select the dropdown arrow on the right.

    • Choose Edit Restrictions.

  • Set a password for your Final.

    • Choose Password Protected, then provide a password.

      • A suggestion would be CApass1. (Choose a different password - this article is public-facing.)

    • Choose Save.

Your Proctored Final Assessment is now password protected. This prevents students from taking the exam outside of a proctoring window.

Parts and Pieces

