Teacher Instructions - Cengage WebAssign - Deep Integration

Teacher Instructions - Cengage WebAssign - Deep Integration

These directions are intended for an instructor and explain the basic functionality of Cengage WebAssign. Use the following Table of Contents to navigate this article.

Table of Contents


General Notes and Disclaimers

Your course now utilizes a “deep integration” version of WebAssign.

There are several benefits to using deep integration, including:

  • Teachers have separate WebAssign sections for each of their deep integrated sections.

  • Teachers are automatically enrolled as a teacher in their WebAssign section the first time they click a deep integration link.

  • Students do not have to set up accounts.

  • Students are automatically enrolled in their section the first time they click a deep integration link.

  • Grades are automatically passed back to Canvas on every attempt.

  • Students no longer need to submit screenshots to Canvas.


The following courses utilize Cengage WebAssign - Deep Integration:

  • AP Calculus AB (Sem 1) & (Sem 2)

  • AP Calculus BC (Sem 1) & (Sem 2)

  • AP Statistics (Sem 1) & (Sem 2)

  • College Algebra (Sem 1) & (Sem 2)

  • PreCalculus

  • PreCalculus/Trigonometry (Sem 1) & (Sem 2)

  • Statistics (Sem 1) & (Sem 2)

  • Trigonometry

Logging In

On the Modules page of your Canvas course, there will be a module with the name of your book:

  • AP Calculus AB and BC - Larson Calculus for AP 1e Webassign

  • AP Statistics - Brase Understandable Statistics Concepts and Methods AP Edition

  • College Algebra - Larson College Algebra 10e Webassign

  • PreCalculus - Larson Precalculus with Limits 8e Webassign

  • PreCalculus/Trigonometry (Sem 1) - Larson College Algebra 10e Webassign

  • PreCalculus/Trigonometry (Sem 2) - Larson Precalculus with Limits 8e Webassign

  • Statistics - Brase Understandable Statistics Concepts and Methods AP Edition

  • Trigonometry - Larson Precalculus with Limits 8e Webassign

Inside that module, click the Cengage WebAssign link.

If this is your first time logging in, you will be prompted to link/authorize your Canvas account to access the WebAssign platform. Check your Start Here: Teachers module in Canvas for your default login information.


Once logged into WebAssign, you will see a My Classes dashboard. The below screenshot is an example with information on each of the basic resources available.

  1. ClassView: This link takes you to a view dedicated to that specific class. This is useful for situations where you are teaching multiple sections.

  2. Roster: This link takes you to a roster-specific view for the course specified in the ClassView link above.

  3. ScoreView: This link takes you to the Grade Book for the course specified in the ClassView link above.

  4. eBook: This links takes you to the digital textbook.

  5. Assignment Pane: This area provides features specific to assignments in the course and allows:

    1. Viewing of all assignments in the course.

    2. Viewing of settings specific to an individual assignment.

My Courses Dashboard Example

Password Restrictions

Some course final exams are held inside WebAssign. Those courses include:

  • AP Statistics (Sem 2)

  • College Algebra (Sem 2)

  • Statistics (Sem 2)

As the instructor for this course, you are responsible for setting a password on your final exam inside WebAssign. Walk through the following steps to set a password for your final exam:

Gain Access to Your Course

Access Cengage WebAssign from your course.

  • The best way to access this is by clicking the Cengage WebAssign link from the last module of your course.

  • Log in if prompted.

  • Accessing this link will automatically enroll you as an instructor in the course.

Log out of Cengage WebAssign.

Go directly to webassign.net in your browser.

  • Log in.

  • If you are automatically logged in, log out then log in again.

Your course will now appear in your list of courses. Locate this specific section.

Schedule Your Final

From the assignment list, select All.

  • Above the assignment list, you will have options for Past | Future | All.

  • Choose All.

Locate the Proctored Final Assessment from the list, select Schedule.

Drag the Proctored Final Assessment from the Assignments list on the left to the last week of the Schedule pane on the right.

  • Set the due date to the final day in that week.

  • Set the available date to the first day of course access.

  • Leave the view until date set to the end date of the course.

  • Select Schedule.

Set Final Password

Locate the Proctored Final Assessment from the Schedule list, select the dropdown arrow on the right.

  • Choose Edit Restrictions.

Set a password for your Final.

  • Choose Password Protected, then provide a password.

    • A suggestion would be CApass1. (Choose a different password - this article is public-facing.)

  • Choose Save.

Your Proctored Final Assessment is now password protected. This prevents students from taking the exam outside of a proctoring window.


Parts and Pieces


In ClassView you will see an expanded view of one specific course/section. The same functions that existed in the My Classes dashboard still exist.

ClassView Example


Roster view allows you to see the entire roster for one specific course. This view is a quick way to access analytics and grading for one or more specific student users.

Roster View Example


ScoreView and Scores

In ScoreView, you will see the entire grade book for the specific course. Grades and certain analytics are available.

  • Assignments students have not started will be marked with ND.

  • Each assignment score may be edited by clicking the point value.

ScoreView Example

Granting Additional Submissions

Additional Submissions may be granted to one or more students by first selecting the check-box beside each student, then clicking Grant Extensions/Submissions.

The following screen allows you to choose the specific assignments to grant submissions.

Increase the Submissions field on any applicable assignments. Once complete, select Save (lower left).

Grant Additional Submissions Example


To read your textbook, choose the eBook link from the My Classes dashboard or from a specific ClassView.

You can also access your eBook directly from Canvas by clicking the Cengage MindTap link from the same module your Cengage WebAssign link lives.

You should now be at the landing page for the textbook inside Cengage MindTap.

Full Book Icon Example

Using the right-hand navigation, select the Full Book link.

Your book will appear. If you've used this resource before, the book should open to your last used page.

Textbook Navigation:

  • Page-by-Page: Using the Next Page button, you can go through the book page-by-page.

    Next Page Icon Example
  • Table of Contents View: Using the TOC link (upper left), you can skip to a specific chapter.

    Table of COntents Icon Example

Assignment Pane

The Assignment Pane is available in most views specific to a single course. The below screenshot is from the ClassView view.

Assignment Pane Example

Teachers have access to three options:

  • View: This option shows a student preview of the assignment.

  • Schedule: Allows rescheduling of one or more assignments.
    DO NOT reschedule assignments, as your actions affect all Launch sections.

  • Scores: Shows a grade book-style view of all student submissions for the specific assignment. Individual question attempt scores are shown.

Assignment and Exam Configuration Settings

All work in WebAssign will fall into one of two categories. Please take note of the settings for each category.

  • Homework

    • 3 submissions per question (new or changed parts can be submitted individually)

    • Hints/Tutorials shown after 1st submission

    • Practice another version shown after any number of submissions

    • Answer Keys shown after 3rd submission

    • Solution (steps to solve the problem) never shown

    • Feedback for correct and incorrect answers shown after 1st submission

  • Exams

    • 3 submissions per question (new or changed parts can be submitted individually)

    • Hints/Tutorials never shown

    • Practice another version never shown

    • Answer Keys never shown

    • Solution (steps to solve the problem) never shown

    • Feedback for correct and incorrect answers shown after 1st submission


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