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Gain Access to Your Course

Access Cengage WebAssign from your course.

  • The best way to access this is by clicking the Cengage WebAssign link from the last module of your course.

  • Log in if prompted.

  • Accessing this link will automatically enroll you as an instructor in the course.

Log out of Cengage WebAssign.

Go directly to in your browser.

  • Log in.

  • If you are automatically logged in, log out then log in again.

Your course will now appear in your list of courses. Locate this specific section.

Schedule Your Final

From the assignment list, select All.

  • Above the assignment list, you will have options for Past | Future | All.

  • Choose All.

Locate the Proctored Final Assessment from the list, select Schedule.

Drag the Proctored Final Assessment from the Assignments list on the left to the last week of the Schedule pane on the right.

  • Set the due date to the final day in that week.

  • Set the available date to the first day of course access.

  • Leave the view until date set to the end date of the course.

  • Select Schedule.

Set Final Password

Locate the Proctored Final Assessment from the Schedule list, select the dropdown arrow on the right.

  • Choose Edit Restrictions.

Set a password for your Final.

  • Choose Password Protected, then provide a password.

    • A suggestion would be CApass1. (Choose a different password - this article is public-facing.)

  • Choose Save.

Your Proctored Final Assessment is now password protected. This prevents students from taking the exam outside of a proctoring window.
