

What is the MOCAP program?

MOCAP is the Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program which provides virtual course accessibility to students in Missouri.

Can a student enroll into the LAUNCH MOCAP Attendance Center building from a private school or homeschool?

No, according to HB1552, students must currently be a resident within their district of residence public or charter school. Students enrolled at a private school will need to enroll in their district of residence prior to initiating enrollment through the HB1552 MOCAP legislation.


Does enrollment for the MOCAP building close?

Yes, according to HB1552 Host districts do have the ability to set up an enrollment window. Launch MOCAP program enrollments for the 2022-2023 school year will close as follows:

Fall Semester Enrollment - November 21, 2022

Spring Semester Enrollment - March 9, 2023

Any student who has not completed ALL registration steps by the above deadlines will be denied admittance for the respective term.


How does a MOCAP student request a Chromebook/hotspot?

Parents can request a Chromebook at any time by completing the SPS MOCAP Registration Device Request form. This form is included in the registration instructions provided to the guardian. NOTE: Devices will not be issued to students until after they have been accepted into the MOCAP program.


Can a student register for MOCAP if they are on a Long-term suspension?

If a student is currently expelled or is on a suspension longer than 10 days, they are ineligible for MOCAP enrollment. Students can register after they have satisfied their suspension requirements.


When will a student be withdrawn from their District of Residence?

Per HB1552, students must have continuous enrollment and can not be withdrawn from tehri district of residence prior to being accepted into the MOCAP program. Students who are withdrawn must re-register in their district of residence.


What factors may affect the enrollment process for students with IEPs?

Factors include the timely transmission of records from the resident district, the opportunity for the IEP team to convene to determine the ability to provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) in a virtual setting, and the creation of a collaborative educational services plan (ESP).

Records requests are made upon receipt of the enrollment application. If records are not received within five days, a reminder is sent to the resident district.

The student’s IEP team must convene to determine if FAPE can be provided in a virtual setting. If so, the IEP is amended to reflect the new service model.

The resident and host district must collaborate on an Educational Services Plan that outlines who will provide services



What are acceptable documents for registration?

Proof of residency - Utility bill (Gas, Water, Electric, Sewer, Trash), Lease Agreement or Mortgage statement all within 60 days

Proof of age/name - Birth certificate, Medical document, passport


Why are the Health Inventory or Shot Records required?

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has provided a required list of vaccinations for students as terms for enrolling into a public or charter school. As a MOCAP provider, students are required to meet these requirements to be eligible for public school. DESE has also set forth additional opportunities for districts to collect important health information, as needed for serving students.


Additionally, students are required to test on-site and the safety and health of all students is our priority.


Can students participate in extracurricular activities through their District of Residence after being accepted into the Launch MOCAP program?

No. Once students are accepted into the Launch MOCAP program, they are no longer a student in their district of residence and are not eligible to participate. Students may contact their administration in their district of residence to ask for an exception.


If a student is withdrawn from SPS MOCAP Attendance Center can they still take Launch courses?

Students who are removed from the MOCAP Attendance Center can not re-register into Launch courses directly through MOCAP for one academic year. If their resident district believes it is in the best interest of the student, the resident district may choose to enroll the student through our MOU partnership with the district.


If a student is withdrawn from the MOCAP Attendance Center can they re-register?

No, students can not re-register into the SPS MOCAP Attendance Center for the remainder of the academic year for which they were withdrawn.


How can Launch staff determine students who have been dropped and are ineligible for re-enrollment into MOCAP?

Students who are withdrawn for failing to meet the MOCAP Academic or Attendance policies will have a critical alert added to their eSchool profile. The banner will read something like: “Student was dropped from MOCAP for no participation and should not be re-enrolled for the 22-23 SY. See Jessica Johnson.”


How can Launch staff determine students who have been placed on Academic probation?

Students who have been placed on Academic Probation will have the “APROB” program code added to their “Programs” screen in eSchool. If you need assistance locating this screen, please ask an enrollment team member. Parent Portal will display a message if a student is currently placed on Academic Probation.


What is the process for students who have been identified as not meeting the Attendance Policy?

Students who have not met the attendance requirements will be suspended from their Canvas account. Upon logging in, they will receive a message that reads “Failed to Log In. Canvas doesn’t have an account for user: 123456@sps.org”. These students should be directed to complete an appeal. If the appeal window has passed, they will need to contact their district of residence for their educational options. The account should not be reactivated without contacting the enrollment team or Hannah Parsley.


Can a student appeal a drop from the MOCAP Attendance Center?

Yes. The student’s guardian will have the option to appeal 1 attendance and 1 academic drop per academic year. Additional information regarding appeal windows should be found on the MOCAP Academic and Attendance Policy document. (TK LINK)


When students transfer into the MOCAP building from a partner district where they received Launch courses, should the Launch courses be re-entered on the SPS transcript?

No, students who were enrolled in Launch through a partnership with their school district should not be added again to the Launch transcript. This would award the student double credit for each re-entered mark. Launch courses transferring in from a partner district should always reflect the higher awarded grade. Example, if the student earned a C from Launch based on the SPS grading scale, but Carthage issued the student a C+, Launch would update the grade record for the course to reflect a C+. This does not work in the opposite manner. If a student received a lower grade from the partner district, the Launch grade would remain.


Is there a graduation ceremony for students enrolling with MOCAP?

Students who graduate through the Launch MOCAP program will receive a diploma from Springfield Public Schools in the mail. More details on ceremonies will be provided when additional guidance is released.


What is the ESP (Educational Service Plan)/Collaborative Agreement and is it required?

This is part of HB 1552 (Section 161/670, RSMo) for full-time students enrolled in full time MOCAP programs. The host district is required to initiate this form and have it on file for each student. Questions related to ESPs should be directed to Hannah Parsley.


What is the Academic and Attendance policy?

You may view the policy by clicking on the following link: MOCAP Academic and Attendance Policy. The MOCAP Academic and Attendance policies can be found on our website under “How to enroll?”


Does MOCAP have school organized dances or picture days?

No, the Launch MOCAP program does not facilitate any school dances or picture days.


How will MOCAP students register for and take SAT/ACT/ASVAB?


Who fills out SS/EBT student status verifications?

The counseling team will be the ones

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