Chromebook Camera Instructions

Chromebook Camera Instructions

Using the Chromebook Camera

To take a screenshot on your Chromebook, following the following instructions:

  1. Click the circle in the bottom-left corner of the screen, then select the up-carrot.

  2. Click the camera icon to open the the Camera app.

  3. To take a photo, tap the capture button, which looks like a grey and white circle surrounded by a blue line.

You can adjust the photo settings to suit your preferences from within the camera tool. For example, you can take a photo or video, or change the photo to a square format, as well as opt to show the grid lines, mirror the image, and set up a photo timer. 

More options are also available within the settings menu, located in the top-left corner (the gear icon). And if you have another camera plugged in to your Chromebook, you'll also see the option to switch between the available cameras. 

Viewing Your Images

To view the photos you've taken, click the photo preview circle in the bottom-right corner of the camera window. 

If you've already closed out of the Camera app, you can access your photos and videos via your Files folder. To get there:

  1. Click the circle in the bottom-left corner of the screen, and then click the up-carrot.

  2. Next, click "Files."

  3. Once the Files browser opens, select either the "Photos" or "Videos" section from the left sidebar.

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