Student Instructions - WileyPLUS

Student Instructions - WileyPLUS

Use these directions to learn how to navigate to WileyPLUS assignments from your Canvas course.

Use the following quick links to get to the information you need:

Table of Contents

Note - You may need to sign up for a WileyPLUS account before completing the remaining steps in this document.

How to Succeed in This Course (A Message from Wiley)

Why Accounting?

To understand a business, you must understand the "insides" of a business organization. An accounting course will help you understand the essential components of a businesses. Whether you are looking at a large multinational company like Apple or Starbucks or a single-owner coffee shop, knowing the fundamentals of accounting will help you understand what is happening. As an employee, a manager, an investor, a business owner, or a director of your own personal finances—any of which roles you will have at some point in your life—you will make better decisions for having taken this course.

There are no prerequisites to this course. You will begin with the big picture of financial statements and move on to the accounting information system, accrual accounting concepts, and merchandising operations. You’ll move on to several chapters dealing with reporting and analyzing and end with the statement of cash flows and the big picture of financial analysis.

Why This Online Course?

Hundreds of thousands of students have used the tools in this online course. Your instructor has chosen it for you because of its trusted reputation. The authors have worked hard to keep the content and media fresh, timely, and accurate.

What is the Secret for Success in This Course?

Do your homework and practice. This is one course where doing is learning. The more time you spend on your homework assignments and use practice tools like Adaptive Practice—the more likely you are to learn the essential concepts, techniques, and methods of accounting.

Good luck in this course! Enjoy the experience and remember to apply what you’ve learned in this course throughout your life. You will not be disappointed.


The VitalSource eText

Accessing the eText

The VitalSource etext in this course contains all readings, examples, and other material you would find in a printed book. You will be able to highlight, bookmark, and annotate the etext. And you can download the etext, for those times when you are offline.

You can link to the VitalSource etext from this course at any time, in three ways:

  1. First, access the eText through the link on the left navigation pane to establish your access for the whole course. You can use this link anytime to go directly to the whole etext.

  2. Go to a specific section from the eText link in that section. From Modules, locate the WileyPLUS Textbook Links module. Each section is listed and can be directly accessed.


  3. Inside every WileyPLUS assignment that requires a reading, select the WileyPLUS link to go directly to that section.


    1. If linking directly from an assignment, you will want to choose the eText link on the right.

Using the eText

Upon first use, you may want to create an account. Creating an account gives you the following benefits:

  • Ability to highlight

  • Ability to bookmark

  • Ability to annotate

You can, however, continue as a guest and not have access to these features.


There are several useful tools located in the left sidebar. This article will focus specifically on textbook navigation controls.

  • Table of Contents: This feature allows you to quickly navigate to specific sections of text. Each section will also show you what page that particular section starts.

    Table of Content Button Example
  • Search: This feature allows you to search within your entire textbook for a specific term or phrase.

    Search Button Example

Navigating the Text

Full sections are displayed in the reading pane on the right.

Once you get into the appropriate section, traditional browser actions work, such as scrolling, copying, finding, etc… 

To get to the previous or next sections, click the arrows at the top or bottom of the reading pane.

Up Arrow Example
Down Arrow Example

Progress Bar

The progress bar located at the bottom of the screen gives you access to page numbers, progress, bookmarks, printing, zoom options, highlighting, and annotating.

By default, the progress bar is hidden. Expand it by using the up arrow in the lower right of the reading pane.

Progress Bar Example

Other Tools

There are a multitude of additional resources in the text which are all hyperlinked. If you see a traditional hyperlink, you can click and get additional information or resources about the topic.

Exploring Additional WileyPLUS Resources

If you accessed the textbook from the third option above, you have access to additional learning resources. Those resources include flashcards, practice problems, videos, and additional lectures/information pertaining to that section.

Once you access the appropriate section, check out the other areas.

Each area has a great deal of resources to aid you in learning the content for that section.

WileyPLUS Assignments

Completing WileyPLUS Assignments

WileyPLUS assignments are embedded into your Canvas assignments. You will see those assignments below your traditional assignment information in Canvas.

Click on each question, and answer to the best of your ability.

When complete, select Check Answer to verify your answer is correct.

Some assignment questions will have multiple attempts, indicated like this:

Attempts: X of 5 used - where X indicates the amount of times you’ve checked your answer.

Before progressing to the next question, select Send to Gradebook to turn the attempt into your teacher. This needs to be done for every question.


Need Help?

WileyPLUS Support

If you need help with the WileyPLUS platform, you can contact our Fueled by Launch support team at 417.523.0417, or email support@fueledbylaunch.com.

To contact Wiley directly, you can access their support site from your Canvas sidebar navigation.

Or, you can go directly to the WileyPLUS NextGeneration Support Page.

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