Screenshot Instructions - All Systems

Screenshot Instructions - All Systems

The instructions for taking a screenshot will be different depending on the device you are using. 

Please choose the instructions for your device:


Screenshot Instructions for Chromebook 

Preferred Method

  1. On your Chromebook, click on the time in the bottom right corner of your screen. This will bring up the Quick Settings menu. Click on the Screen capture option.

  2. To take a screenshot of your screen, make sure the camera icon is selected.

    screenshot icon.png
  3. Select the area of the screen you want to capture. Your screenshot will automatically be captured.

    1. Or, choose the full screen option and click anywhere to capture your entire screen. Similarly, the window option will also let you capture a single window.

  4. If needed, see the instructions for Locating Your Screenshot.

Alternate Method

On your Chromebook you can also use the Window Switcher Key.

This key is generally located above the 6 & 7 keys, between the full screen button and the bright down button. 

Ctrl button +

Takes a full screenshot of your current screen. Saved to Files > Downloads.

Ctrl button + Shift button +

Takes a partial screenshot. Drag the selection to your preferred size. Saved to Files > Downloads


Locating Your Screenshot

To locate your screenshot, open the Files app and click Downloads. Your screenshot will be titled something like “Screenshot 2018_02_22 at 10.33.42 AM.png”. You can always rename your screenshot, and it is a good idea to rename it to a name that describes the image or the assignment.

You may want to also copy the file to your Google Drive. (Note: Your file won’t be available in Google Drive until you move it there.) 

Screenshot Instructions for Windows

To take a screenshot on your Windows machine, you will use the snipping tool. You can find the snipping tool by following these directions:

Press the Windows Key on your keyboard

Windows logo key

then type “Snipping Tool” to find and open the application.

Click the the dropdown arrow next to New then select Full Screenshot to save a screenshot of your current screen.

Once you have saved your screenshot you can move the file to Google Drive so you can access it for your online assignments. 

Note: Your screenshot file will not be available in Google Drive until you move it there. 

Screenshot Instructions for Mac OS X

To take a screenshot on a Mac OS X machine, you will use the Command, Shift, and the Number 3 & 4 keys. 

Command button + Shift button + 3

Takes a full screenshot of your current screen. Saved to Desktop. 

Command button + Shift button + 4

Takes a partial screenshot. Drag the selection to your preferred size. Saved to Desktop

Locating Your Screenshot

To locate your screenshot, open Finder then click Desktop. Your screenshot should be titled something like “Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at 11.05.12 AM.png”. You can always rename your screenshot, and it is a good idea to rename it to a name that describes the image or the assignment.

At this point, you can move the file to Google Drive so you can access it for your online assignments. 

Note: Your file won’t be available in Google Drive until you move it there.

Uploading Your Screenshot to Canvas

Canvas Assignments

To upload your screenshot to a Canvas assignment, click the Start Assignment button in the top right corner of your Canvas assignment. 

Start Assignment.png

This will open the File Upload menu. Click the Choose File button, then select your previously saved screenshot. You can also click the +Add Another File option if you need to submit multiple screenshots. 

When you are done, click the Submit Assignment button to submit your selected screenshot(s) to Canvas. 

Text Boxes / Discussion Replies

  1. In the Documents menu, select Upload Document.

    Upload Document.png
  2. Drag your file here to upload, or navigate to the file on your device.

  3. Click the Submit button.


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