Student Instructions - Cengage WebAssign

Student Instructions - Cengage WebAssign

Use these directions to learn how to navigate to WebAssign assignments from your Canvas course.

Accessing WebAssign

Go to an assignment (on Canvas) that requires the use of WebAssign.

Canvas Assignment with WebAssign Example

Take note of the assignment name (Section 6.6: P-Hat in this example).
Navigate back to Modules using the left-hand navigation in Canvas.
Inside the Start Here: Course Resources module, locate your WebAssign link; click the link.

On the next screen, choose Load WebAssign in a new window.
WebAssign will now load in a new window/tab. You will see a screen similar to the one below.
Use the guide below when first accessing WebAssign. You will need to create an account.

  • Click Create Account.

  • Fill out the form with the following information:

    • Email: SPSID@sps.org (SPSID is your ID number)

    • First Name: Your first name

    • Last Name: Your last name

    • ID Number: Your SPS ID number

    • Yes/No: Choose No to not receive emails

    • Password: LaunchNow2021 (Use the current year)

      • Please use the password indicated above. This will allow the Launch office to assist you with account issues. If you type in a different password, the Launch office will have to direct you to Cengage Customer support.

  • You will receive a verification email to the address you used above.

    • Go to that email and follow the steps indicated to finish creating and activating your account.

After your first login, you will not need to sign in again. Each time you click the Cengage link, you will be redirected to a home screen (see the following screenshot).

WebAssign Interface

Use the guide below for help navigating the interface:

  1. Textbook: The book title will be different depending on your course.

  2. My Assignments: Please take note that the due date listed is defaulted to the end of the current term. Your due date will be different. Check Canvas for your actual due date.

WebAssign Interface Example

Using the Textbook

To read your textbook. Choose your textbook title from the About this Class section.

WebAssign Book Choice

You should now be at the landing page for the textbook inside Cengage MindTap.
Using the right-hand navigation, select the Full Book link.
Your book will appear. If you've used this resource before, the book should open to your last used page.

  • Page-by-Page

Using the Next Page button, you can go through the book page-by-page.

  • Table of Contents View

Using the TOC link (upper left), you can skip to a specific chapter.

Completing Assignments

To complete an assignment, locate your assignment from the My Assignments list. Click the assignment name.

WebAssign Assignment Example

Assignment and Exam Configuration Settings

All work in WebAssign will fall into one of two categories. Please take note of the settings for each category.

  • Homework

    • 3 submissions per question (new or changed parts can be submitted individually)

    • Hints/Tutorials shown after 1st submission

    • Practice another version shown after any number of submissions

    • Answer Keys shown after 3rd submission

    • Solution (steps to solve the problem) never shown

    • Feedback for correct and incorrect answers shown after 1st submission

  • Exams

    • 3 submissions per question (new or changed parts can be submitted individually)

    • Hints/Tutorials never shown

    • Practice another version never shown

    • Answer Keys never shown

    • Solution (steps to solve the problem) never shown

    • Feedback for correct and incorrect answers shown after 1st submission

Assignments will differ depending on your course. Use the guide below for help navigating your assignment:

  1. Assignment Progress: This area will show you your score per question.

  2. Question: This area is where you will answer the question(s) for your homework assignment. Be sure to read the directions carefully, as some responses allow you to choose multiple answers.

  3. Submit/Save Progress: This area will pop up on each individual question, as well as at the end of the assignment. Use Save Progress to save your current progress. Use Submit to submit your answer to WebAssign for grading.

Your assignment in Canvas will have you submit a screenshot of your completed WebAssign assignment. Use these instructions for help on taking a screenshot. Be sure your screenshot includes a Current Score for all of your question attempts and an Assignment Title, similar to the one below.

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