Teacher Instructions - Mathletics

Teacher Instructions - Mathletics

Follow the instructions located in this guide to access the Mathletics resource. Students will access this resource throughout the course and will submit screenshots of the problem sets that they complete.

Logging In

Click on the Mathletics button located in the navigation bar on the left of your course.

Ensure that your name is listed on the Clever Instant Login screen and click Authorize.

Verify that your name is listed in the top right of the screen. You are now logged in to Mathletics.

Navigating Mathletics

  1. Classes - Use this button to view and manage all of the classes assigned to you. This data is pulled from eSchool, so all of you courses should be listed.

    1. Class and Group Management - This page allows you to assign students to specific groups within a course (ex. Advanced, On-Pace, etc.). All of your current and future courses will be listed on this page, so be sure to verify which section you are editing before making changes.

    2. Student Management - Use this page to move students between groups within your classes. Be sure you are viewing the correct course and group when you move students around using this page.

    3. Whole Class - This is another way to get to a list of all the students currently enrolled in any of your particular courses.

    4. Sign-In Cards - This is not necessary because students will log in to Mathletics using Clever.

  2. Courses and Tests - Use this button to manage the content within the courses that you have created to assign to students. These classes should already be set up for you prior to the beginning of your course. If not, please contact the Launch Helpdesk at 417-523-0417.

    1. My Courses - Use this page to manage the courses that you have created for use.

    2. View/Copy Courses - Use this page to copy a Mathletics or a School course for use as a template when creating a new course within Mathletics.

    3. Tests - Use this page to assign and manage tests for students. These tests are not editable and come straight from Mathletics.

  3. Assign - Use this page to assign specific activities to students. When you assign an activity, students must complete the assigned activities before playing games or moving on to any other activities.

  4. Results - Use this button to view the results of activities that students have completed.

    1. Recent Results - See the results from the 10 most recent activities

    2. Results by Student - View results for all student activities

    3. Results by Activity - Review student results by activity

  5. Reports - Use this button to view reports on student achievement, participation, or progress.

    1. Achievement and Improvement - Track the progress of students

    2. Effort and Participation - View students' Mathletics points and certificates

    3. Certificates - Download and print achievement certificates

    4. Activity and Usage Report - Download Mathletics data to Excel sheet

    5. Student Reports - View activity mastery, participation, and Live Mathletics reports

  6. Library - Use this button for additional educational resources.

  7. Settings - Use this button to set the difficulty levels for students when they play Live Mathletics

  8. Student View - Use this button to see a version of what the students will see when they log in to Mathletics.


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