Canvas Submission Help - Quizzes
1. To take a Quiz in Canvas, begin by clicking the Take the Quiz button in the bottom middle of the Canvas quiz.
2. The Quiz will reload and you will be at the top of the Quiz, read the instructions and then begin answering the quiz questions.
You may start and stop the activity, to come back to it later, as long as you do not click the submit button. Only submit when you complete the entire activity.
3. There are lots of Quiz question types, see each below.
4. When you are finished with the Quiz click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom right corner of the Quiz.
Quiz Question Types | ||
Drop Down | Choose from the options in the drop down, if there are multiple drop downs then be sure to choose each one. | |
Flag a Questions | Put a mark next to the question by clicking on the arrow and it will fill in with color, and remind you to come back to it. | |
True/False | If you think the statement/question is true then choose true if you think it is not true or false choose false. | |
Multiple Choice | Choose the answer by selecting the circle you think has the correct answer next to it.
*If the quiz says there are more than one answer choose the number it tells you. | |
Fill in the Blank | Type the answer in the box that you think is correct. It could be text or numbers. If there are multiple blanks be sure to fill in all of them. | |
Matching | Choose the drop down that matches the option provided. | |
File Upload | Click choose the file and find the file you want to upload. | |
Text Entry/Essay | Type or add items in the box. See the options in the table below.
Text Entry Options | |
Italic Text | |
Bold Text | |
Underline Text | |
Text Color | |
Background Color of text | |
Clear Formatting on Text | |
Align text to the left | |
Align text to the middle | |
Align text to the right | |
Decrease indent | |
Increase indent | |
Make a Superscript | |
Make a subscript | |
Bullet list | |
Numbered list | |
A Table | |
Media | |
Link | |
Remove Link | |
Embed Image | |
Insert Math Equations | |
School Tube | |
Upload Embed Image | |
More External Tools | |
Record Upload Media | |
Left to right text | |
Right to Left Text | |
Font Sizes | |
Paragraph Style | |
Check Accessibility |
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